All Wholesale Pricing Now users are granted to have this dedicated Order Form Feature.
Only logged-in customers can access the order form page.
1) Go to Wholesale Pricing Now dashboard and click the Order Form Tab
2) Select the collection from the Collection Name field and hit the Start Syncing Products button
Note that you need to sync products for this to work. Our app needs to fetch the products from your store in order for this page to show the items.
3) Customize accordingly then hit Save!. Our app will get your theme's style settings by default.
Adding Order Form to your Menu
1) Go to Navigation and choose where you want to add the Order Form link (can be on both Main menu and Footer menu)
2) Add a menu item, label it according to your preference, and insert this link:
3) Hit Save Menu
*All wholesale prices and discounts are applied only on the cart page and checkout page